New study from Infosys and Efma recognises customer focused innovation, especially in the area of mobile and payments, as a clear focus for banks.
Maintenance order from Egyptian airline
Retirement planning should maintain standard of living
Tunisian bank secures enterprise customers
Societe Tunisienne de Banque (STB) in Tunisia decided to implement VACMAN Controller and DIGIPASS 260, supplied by VASCO Data Security International, Inc., to secure its online enterprise customers.
p>Societe Tunisienne de Banque (STB) in Tunisia decided to implement VACMAN Controller and DIGIPASS 260, supplied by VASCO Data Security International, Inc., to secure its online enterprise customers.How to restore degraded forest in Eastern Africa?
Forest degradation as a result of lodging, shifting cultivation, agriculture and urban development is a major issue throughout the tropics.
p>Forest degradation as a result of lodging, shifting cultivation, agriculture and urban development is a major issue throughout the tropics.