With a rapidly growing global population and mounting pressure on the globe’s natural resources, the critical question facing governments and businesses today is: “How will we feed an increasingly hungry world in a sustainable way?”
p>With a rapidly growing global population and mounting pressure on the globe’s natural resources, the critical question facing governments and businesses today is: “How will we feed an increasingly hungry world in a sustainable way?”Finance
Lending to Africa’s small holder farmers
Developing innovative solutions is the key when lending to small holder farmers and small to medium sized businesses in Africa’s agricultural sector
Expanding African health plan options
Aetna has launched a new health benefits plan option for regionally mobile groups and individuals in Africa
p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;">Aetna has launched a new health benefits plan option for regionally mobile groups and individuals in AfricaSetting up recovery centres in Africa
The unique challenges involved in engaging in commercial relations with a regional powerhouse
Temenos launches risk management software
Full support for asset and liability management, market analytics and Basel III