

The South African rand has gained more than 16 per cent in 2016. (Image source: warrenski/Flickr)

South Africa has reclaimed the title of ‘Africa’s largest economy’, two years after losing it to Nigeria, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) data

With the ‘Feed Africa’ priority, the bank aims to frame its agricultural operations within a business-oriented approach and improve food security in the continent. (Image Source: World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is stepping up the pace by focusing on five priorities, the ‘High 5’, which are crucial for accelerating Africa’s economic transformation: Light up and power Africa, feed Africa, industrialise Africa, integrate Africa and improve the quality of life for the people of Africa

A positive outlook forms the core of the Middle Africa FICC guidebook 2016. (Image Source: ymgerman/Fotolia)

Africa’s move to diversify its economies and its rising consuming class are creating an array of new investment opportunities

Britain’s exit from the EU will affect major economies of the world. (Image Source: Elionas2/Pixabay)

The UK’s decision to exit the EU is causing volatility in markets all over the globe including in Africa

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