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GE to invest in Rwandan economy

General Electronics (GE) has revealed its plan to invest in the Rwandan energy, oil exploration and healthcare sectors

GE Africa president Jay Ireland said that Rwanda was on the company’s radar and if the ongoing negotiations turned out to be successful, it could join the 22 countries in sub-Saharan Africa where the firm has operations. 

“Rwanda has great potential for investment,” Ireland remarked. “It ranks highly in World Bank Doing Business index, which is one of the key things you look out for when you are considering where to invest your money.”

Ireland revealed that GE was in the process of negotiating with the Rwandan ministries responsible for power generation and healthcare for possible investment deals, and added that GE planned to provide equipment for oil and gas exploration firms working within the country.

The majority of GE's revenues in the region come from Nigeria, Angola, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania at present, Ireland noted.

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