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When completed, Karuma hydro power project will be the largest power-generating installation in Uganda. (Image source: Vince/Flickr)

The 600MW Karuma hydro power project in northern Uganda has received a boost following parliament’s approval for Uganda’s government to borrow US$1.44bn from Export-Import Bank of China to finance it

Dr Carlos Lopes says Africa is in a unique position to become a world leader in renewable energy. (Image source: International Labour Organisation/ Flickr)

The executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Dr Carlos Lopes, has spoken of the continent’s “amazing” potential to become a world leader in renewable energy

-based Exim Bank provided a US$80mn loan towards the project and Rwanda funded the remaining costs. (Image source: grendelkhan/Flickr)

Rwanda has commissioned the Nyabarongo hydropower plant power to reduce the government’s monthly expenditures on diesel fuel from approximately US$12.9mn to US$7.4mn

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