
Power Generation

Gas-fired power plants could help make up for deficits in South Africas power supply. (Image source: Dualfreq/WikimediaCommons)

South Africa could tap into its natural gas reserves to expand its energy mix and support growth across the economy, recommended McKinsey Global Institute

Plans for nuclear power generation are making headway in Kenya. (Image source: 12923/Pixabay)

UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has decided to help African nations with the development of nuclear energy for electricity generation

Fronius genset solutions are effective in areas where electricity supply is unstable. (Image source: Fronius)

In many remote areas or regions where the electricity supply is unstable or expensive, grids powered by diesel generators are extremely common

According to Babungi, the ability to monitor customer consumption and status of metering installations enable real time responses in cases of power thefts. (Image source: gyn9037)

Ugandas retail power distributor Umeme Power Company is reported to be investing US$24mn in automated meter-reading technology that uses smart meters to help it curb energy losses among large commercial consumers

Ghana hopes nuclear energy will help to propel the country forward. (Image source: sharkhats/Flickr)

Ghana has taken an important step on the road to achieving nuclear power, passing the Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Bill

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