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Engie to display energy solution at Africa Energy Forum

Picture Cap: Engie’s initiative is to effectively provide electricity to rural areas with the help of sustainable mini-grids. (Picture source: Whatknot/Flickr

Global Utility service provider Engie has confirmed its focus on providing off-grid energy in Africa by expanding solar home system (SHS) and mini-grid activities

In the upcoming Africa Energy Forum in Zambia from 19-22 June 2018, Engie is showcasing its mini-grid solutions for Africa, aiming to provide 20mn people with access to decarbonised, decentralised energy provision by 2020.

Along with Engie Power Corner, the company will also start commercial sales of SHS in Ivory Coast with Fenix.

Africa Energy Forum will gather decision makers from Africa’s energy sector as well as from the world to form partnerships and identify opportunities within the industry.

Yoven Moorooven, CEO of Engie Africa, said, “Advances in decentralised energy put universal access within reaching distance, but the scale of the challenge is significant.”

Engie’s initiative is to effectively provide electricity to rural areas with the help of sustainable mini-grids. It has demonstrated that mini-grids are an efficient solution to power products such as water pumps, grain mills or welding machines, enabling economic growth.

“Demand for clean and safe energy across Africa is continuing to increase, and the supply needs to rise in both speed and quantity. It is encouraging to see a number of African governments and regulators putting renewable energy at the core of their energy policies and implementing much-needed supporting regulations. We are looking forward to working with them to expand energy access faster and sustainably.” Moorooven added.

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