

Fenix expanded to Zambia in exclusive partnership with MTN Zambia, part of Africa’s largest telecom. (Image source: Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF)/Flickr)

Fenix International, part of global utility ENGIE, has reached 30,000 Zambian households in nine months after expanding into the country in partnership with telecom MTN

Perkins® My Engine App. (Image source: Perkins)

Perkins has announced a major upgrade of the My Engine App user interface that gives customers engine information including engine running hours, location, service reminders and log, consumables information etc after reaching 100,000 downloads milestone since its launch at ConExpo in 2017

The Aziza Project is launching a cryptocurrency to fund a oil-well digging programme in Namibia. (Image source: Dennis A. Amith/ Flickr)

A pioneering cryptocurrency firm is calling on global investors to support an oil and gas project that could supply the energy needs of Namibia 25 times over 

FG Wilson designs and installs power systems as per the client requirements. (Image source: FG Wilson)

FG Wilson’s advanced diesel and gas generator sets aim to provide superior power solution through their performance, flexible range of features and ease of serviceability in the field

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