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Feasability studies and assessments will be conducted at the Sese and Mmamabula Coal Projects very soon. (Image source: SlashVee/Flickr)

African Energy Resources will finalise a environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) and a definitive feasability study (DFS) of the Sese Coal Project and Mmamabula West Coal Project in Botswana

Kenyas government wants to develop nuclear energy to help meet rising electricity demands. (Image source: Jarhead62/Wikimedia Commons)

Kenya has announced that it will build a 1,000 MW nuclear plant worth US$3.5bn by 2025 to support the country’s growing energy needs

NamPower has been working on multiple projects to ensure a steady and continuous supply of electricity to Namibia. (Image source: Oranviriyincy/Flickr)

Namibias national power company NamPower and Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) have agreed to develop a gas-to-power plant worth US$1.2bn in Kudu by 2017

The West African island nation has set a goal of meeting 50 per cent of its electricity needs through renewable energy by 2020. (Image source: USDAgov/Flickr)

Cape Verde has announced that it will receive US$75.5mn from the European Commission (EC) for the development of renewable energy sources in the island country

Pico-solar lights can reduce the need for families in rural Africa to rely on burning fuels such as kerosene for light. (Image source: SolarAid)

Google has agreed to fund a US$650,000 two-year Randomised Control Trial study (RCT) into the impact of solar lights on poverty alleviation in Africa

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